
After that outburst, I'd say the answer is "Yes".

LOL!!!! He SO did that on purpose. LOL!!!

I posted my comment in the wrong place. My initial comment was not meant as a reply to AngryDrifter. My apologies.

"So I'm truly sorry, but running up to a racing, notoriously squirrely sprint car on a track looking to confront the driver is immensely fucking stupid. It appears to me that Ward was in the wrong, completely lost his cool, and made a fatal mistake".....

Its looks like Stewart hit the gas and turned to the right to get a bit closer to Ward to brush him back, like a pitcher does to a batter. The rear-end of Stewarts car fishtailed AWAY from Ward as I see the video. The track looks poorly lit, Ward was dressed in black from head to toe and he should not have been in the

Manning looks like he's loose and in a good mood. That's cool. He's ready to go for it one more time. Seahawks.....first pre-season game. Lets do this.

The guy is an idiot. Shut the fuck up and quit trying to act smart.

The Monforts are fuckin meat packers! Sell the damn team!

The guy with the GoPro looks like he's either scared shitless or he's just an emotionless stiff.

You see his head snap back?! Im sure he suffered some whiplash. Damn!

He should have stayed in "da club".

No can do. The hat has been surgically attached to his scalp. (or he always has it on when there is a camera around)

I have mixed feelings about what I saw on ESPN, but I say "to each their own", as long as I am not hurt by it. But I have a question. I hope most will see it as a legitimate one.
Why do women overwhelmingly love gay guys so much? Why, when they see two guys kissing, do women think its "adorable" and "lovely"? I could

Idiots. Wise is right, kid or not.

"I think I just broke my hand with your face, dude." ....."dude"? Whats up with that?

Hey stale, suck it.

Uh.....what was so "wonderful" about that bat flip?