You got me. I barely skim these articles and you just made me realize how little attention I pay to the content on this site these days. I need to stop complaining and find a site I enjoy.
You got me. I barely skim these articles and you just made me realize how little attention I pay to the content on this site these days. I need to stop complaining and find a site I enjoy.
Well we certainly agree on the sanctimonious thinkpieces. But now I have to think about how to make pizza boobies work.
I would say both. I'm sure it got a ton of hits but it also reads like an advertisement with zero actual criticism.
It just seems odd that this site is concerned with so many other social issues and yet one of the most serious is being celebrated. Obesity and diabetes rates are skyrocketing and yet it's perfectly acceptable to push this crap on people.
I think for that to be the case I'd have to arguing against consuming any dairy. A medium Cookie Dough Blizzard has 40 g of fat and 116 g of sugar. It's basically poison for your liver.
Well, it's probably the soybean oil they add to it to thicken it that causes it to sluice out of me.
So stringy. You'd have to boil them forever.
I'm confused. Neither of them looks particularly appetizing.
You're fooling yourself if you think there is actual milk in a blizzard.
Blizzards are toxic garbage that give me the shits for two days. But by all means, lets celebrate the obesity epidemic. Animators will just have to make their characters legs a bit thicker so we can live with ourselves.
The worst are the fake ads that rehash every joke Oliver's made in the preceding monologue. At this point I find them pretty much unbearable.
Great, now I'll never get Adam Toyota out of my head.
I gave up halfway through the first page. Not sure if my eyeballs were supposed to be hurting.
"We’re not sure how to feel about this."
Everybody lives.
Whoever made that table did a piss-poor job.
"Can I ask you something?"
"About the pantyhose?"
"My legs get cold."
This is just another disgusting confirmation of the monkey/human pay gap.
Hey, she lets us know what's on sale at Amazon. Show some respect.
There's a name for me?!?