Mule or... Astro-mule?

Meh, all it might take is the wrong, "UPDATED: We probably should've made a phone call."

But my nose is all cloggy.

Wait, aren't about 25% of the AV Club's articles inspired by harassing tweets?

Sy Snootles was worse. So much worse.

Where else am I going to find out if an AV Club writer watched Last Week Tonight? This is really the only site that provides that valuable information.

And it remained unanswered as the world decided it had better things to do then answer the questions of a drug-addled hypocrite.

Girl, you know it's true.

Ah to be so virtuous as to fight sexism and make personal attacks on strangers.

Amen. I'm completely baffled as to why someone would feel the need to make a sequel to that movie 18 years later.

If only they could ban everyone and make the world a truly bettter place.

Cameron Espostio and Good Charlotte in the same morning? We are truly blessed.

Arming Eritrea / Chin Music is such a great one-two punch. And the lyric: "Only the good die young except for when they don't / It's not exactly fair" from Stand by Your Manatee is pure gold.

I think you mean Syndrome of the Down.

The Nighttime Hallway Shart You Have to See to Believe!

Owning an above-ground pool should tell you all you need to know about how good they are with money.

Let's see. Salman Rushdie review where the reviewer clearly didn't read the book, cartoon thigh-gaps, farting gymnastics, a guy eating at Subway… Nah, it's pretty much par for the course these days.

What has the world come to when we outsource our table shitting? You could've skipped the phone call and the 20 minutes and made a cool $200.

Every Christmas.

Twenty minutes after I found out my father had lymphoma the local dj came on the radio and said,"No matter how bad your day's going it could always get worse. That's coming up. Here's Smashmouth with 'Walking on the Sun.'"

Just yesterday I realised that Whitesnake was a euphemism for penis so I feel for you.