Mule or... Astro-mule?

Exactly. And if you can't deal with the occasional dead raccoon are you really in love?

Wait, what's wrong with dumpster sex?

No Starwipe tombstones means no thank you.

This is just the same old saw about FPSs that hasn't been true for years unless you just join Team Deathmatch with a bunch of random twelve year olds who lack impulse control and who are feeling out social boundaries. And who is to blame for expecting much out of them?

Hate the outdoors yet enjoy travelling two counties over to pick up damaged goods caused by slight wind gusts? We've got the umbrella for you.

"Like dental work? Wish you could have more? We've designed a fool-proof system that will get you more of the sweet nitrous you crave."

Great Job Internet is a dumpster fire.

I guess hearing about Amazon's Gold Box is the kind of locker room talk we're going to have to get used to in Donald Trump's America.

I appreciate that all your comments amount to deflection instead of discussion. This tactic allows you to swim through bullshit while never being anchored down by facts. Of course it also conveys that your arguments are little more than talking points and it leads me to question how much thought you put into your

Yeah its really rough up here with so few mass shootings and a political process that doesn't have one candidate calling for the assassination of another. And if you happen to get sick you don't have to resort to crowdfunding and hope.

Yes. Trump's tax breaks are for the rich. His trade protectionism will raise prices that will disproportionately affect the poor.

No. Like every election for the past 40 years. The Republican Party tricks working class whites into voting for it by claiming the Democrats are out to take away their guns and freedom of speech. Even though this has never happened and never will because it would be political suicide people still fall for it.

"You can shut your ears and scream lalalala. " It's funny you say that when it's exactly what you just did with this conversation.

Just like all those past liberal administrations took all your guns away, right? Keep falling for the fear-mongering while the Republican Party works to enact policies that only benefit the wealthy elite while marginalizing the working class.

Who needs friends when you can provide free advertising for a large corporation that will never think of you as more than a number on a balance sheet.

When your biceps, thighs, and waist are all the same size it's time to fire your personal trainer. Also I don't know if that's plantar fasciitis or corns but he needs to get those feet checked out.

"So you get home from a hard day at work and you need to charge your six phones. But, uh oh, your house was built with only one outlet. How are you going to keep in touch with your five other secret families? Luckily we've come up with a solution to this far too common problem."

People who want to ensure their consumption destroys the planet as quickly as possible.

"This particular model doesn’t articulate left and right, but it can hold TVs anywhere from 20 to 70 inches, so it should be sufficient for most of you."

Yes. They all do. And they will do whatever horrible thing is necessary to prove it to you so they can achieve a feeling of superiority and self-worth while accomplishing nothing. It's a great world.