
So many modern cars have devices to babysit the drivers that I think the obscene power levels that you can get today are hard for people to understand. The original viper had similar power to a base C7 but the viper has a reputation for trying to kill you and a Corvette is fairly easy to push comparatively. The ego

I think the grounds for the lawsuit are totally specious. Hart’s got money and he probably would’ve been sued regardless, so as Mack says, this will likely just go away with a settlement of some kind.

How is it “sub-standard”? It had the legally required equipment. By definition, it met the standard.

As one of the few Jalopniks reading who has a legit claim to a Mopar equiv to Hart’s awesome Barracuda,

Things took a much less humorous turn a few minutes later when the skies flooded with light and a booming voice rang out from above.

Or as well attended as a Trump rally/inauguration.

Seems like this was about as successful as a Trump impeachment. 

This is my one issue with cities -- I hate living in them. I like space and having room for things outdoors that are my property.

Whew! Not Blizzard! At least they’re not looking to prosecute me for killing thousands of demons and undead!

So here’s a similar scenario I’m currently dealing with. I leased a car to someone 4 years ago who wanted some small and cheap. She decided on a leasing option because using her trade in as money down the payment was stupidly low. Fast forward to a few months ago and she’s outgrown the lease but still has 1 year left

Totally agree. I would recommend a child. It takes a couple years to get them to hold your beer properly but from the age of 3 to 12, you can get 9 years of service out of them as an excellent drink holder. Just be careful after 12, they tend to return empties.

Ok Beyond Meat, the gauntlet has been thrown down. We need a bacteria-free, malleable, non-eyeball-rupturing steak substitute that’s just as tasty as a porterhouse. 

“...and pushing on an injured eyeball is dangerous.”

They. Will. Not. Be. Able. To. Make. These. Fast. Enough!

“Plug-In Hybrid” seems to confuse people, they don’t know what, or which, it is. Hey, you get 40+ mpg and don’t need to plug it in anywhere seems to be more easily marketable.

The wood really should be on the exterior.

The most concerning thing is that it looks like Toyota is losing market share to Ford.

They meant $9 total, not per gallon.