
the motor can work intermittently (or on significantly lower power cycles), making long trips more efficient than a car which has to be driven every mile.


battling voter disenfranchisement

I’m tired of “tip creep” as has been mentioned by others, and I’m also tired of the whole “you owe me” vibe coming off the services crowd that haunts this section.

wait in one line when they first come in, and then get directed to the correct line

The second they were given a slip of paper with an assignment they reverted to being students.

The profile is fairly sleek, the back end looks somewhat interesting, the interior is very interesting, but the face ... it looks like a slightly modified Honda Accord or Civic. Uuuuugly.

It’s called “humor” ... just like when Jeremy Clarkson says a car has [number] torques” ... it’s a silly and technically incorrect idiom used simply for the sake of being silly while still imparting valid information. Lighten up Francis.

I missed it - what story was that on?

The article above contains exactly and only 1 anecdote of an incident of offensive or sexist behavior, I don’t see any reason to castigate Microsoft. So some people call some women “bitch”. Some people call men “bitch” as well. And it’s not necessarily meant as a direct insult. It could be used in a joking manner. But


it’s cool, right?

a game launcher that could import and show all of your games at once

Everyone else who knows how to actually build stuff decides to actually build similar stuff as the startup... While doing it better, higher quality, more accessible, cheaper, etc....

I guess many Texans and others from the South didn’t get that memo....

asking fair private party value <snip> selling it for about half of what it was worth.

Unfortunately for your pedantry, the common understanding of the term “American” — even among all other Western Hemisphere, non-USA countries — is that it means specifically and primarily of or from the United States of America. Mexicans don’t call themselves Americans. Canadians don’t call themselves Americans.

Counterpoint: there are boobs in Return of the Living Dead.

ferment food in one stomach before digesting it in another (called chewing their cud)

yes heaven forbid people might experience some small amount of dignity next door to me