
Letting Randyll Tarly, one of her most important and skilled generals live and return to Cersei's command has gotta be the dumbest suggestion I've ever heard, sorry.

I would've done their VFX modelling and compositing for free, though they might look like two-dimensional rhinos.

Because I think before I snatch a life, I ain't into this shit!

It's possible that Lyanna's "Promise me Ned" was short for "Don't tell a single living soul about the nature of this baby's birth, including your wife you stoic prick"

What's the difference between poisonous and venomous anyway

Jack Nicholson has a big forehead but still slept with 1.34 billion women, sometimes looks are subjective.

Smart money might be on the soldiers yes, because typically they have formational and disciplinary advantage + long range weapons to interrupt barbarian charges. But yeah, they are horse warriors with a dragon Apache helicopter reinforcement which ultimately negates the soldiers' ability to use their shields and

Is it a bit low, then again, POWs cost money to feed, clothe and house, and she wants to instil a bit of fear in her subjects/make future Lannister soldiers think twice.

That's because it's the correct usage he had no reason to correct her

I'm in Vancouver British Columbia, so just drive 5 hours north with passport and watch the eclipse here and join our viewing party.

That might be it. I'm still confused as to what their whole vendetta/purpose is with the continent. We know the Night King was the 13th commander of the Watch and that he got seduced by an ice queen. Maybe someone has some theories.

Yes I'm not sure why they are taking so long, I mean I guess you could argue they needed Hardhome to happen so they could expand their army to a greater size, but since then I don't know. The wights ran like 50mph in that episode so you'd think it would've taken them less than a week to reach the wall. They might be

The only person who has crossed to Essos this season is Melisandre. People have sailed around Westeros, yes, but you said continent to continent and since Dany and Arya crossed no one else has, save for the Braavos banker. Who are you referring to?

Westeros is all one continent, and it's been the only continent shown in this season.


If Cersei had murdered the Hand of the Queen, Daenerys would have unleashed the dragons on King's Landing and destroyed any hopes of outwitting her.

Chopping off Tyrion's head would instigate an immediate dragon bombardment on King's Landing I am sure

Lol you're a sick bastard I love it


I think he's talking about Empire of the Sun - an Aussie dance pop duo