
I've never had to knock on wood.

People still go nuts for Third Eye Blind anthems.

Meh, everything you just said is subjective. Saying "3-4 small ideas stitched unconvincingly together" could be argued for any pop song ever written. I think it's well-crafted and flows well, has some sick guitar work, and I like the rhythm changes.

Someday and Every Morning are great. Feel good whistle-along tunes for sure. Anyone who disagrees is a miser and a cock.

Idiot. College Dropout was released in 83

I'm PRETTY damn tired of all the Limp Bizkit hate, saying they are still to date the worst band of all time. "Nookie" is still a well-crafted pop song, and they had some other good ones as well. Fred Durst is insufferable to be sure and they are generally bad, but Wes Borland is a pretty sick guitarist and the band

sounds like you need a crying soother

I wouldn't say no one remembers US Marshalls, it's on TV several times a month, indicating they run it because people tune in. Robert Downey Jr also escapes from handcuffs using Ralph Cifaretto's sunglasses, and Wesley Snipes jumps onto a moving train from a building. One of my favourite 90s action pics actually, you

When he guided her arm in the cave you could tell they both were like teenagers playing truth or dare in the dark. You know this to be true Skywalka

They did amazing tree carvings didn't they? !

Runs in the family. Tyrion also felt bad for the Lannister soldiers being burned alive but he happily burned Stannis's men alive! He kind of seemed horrified at both though so I guess he gets a pass.

It would've been a great way for him to go out, though I also am happy to see more of Bronn because he's my fav character. Though it might've been a nice opportunity for melancholy. Perhaps he will get his wish to die in his own keep, drinking his own wine, watching his sons grovel over his fortune.

*laff out loud*

Her two brothers Jon and Tyrion of course, they're right in front of her face and she can't see it!

I would've been sad but yeah in a way I felt ready for him to go! If he had died during the Sand Snake poisoning I would've stopped watching the show maybe.


If I hear one more Gendry or Ser Pounce joke online I will chop off my cock

I paused the show and went outside and angrily smoked a cigarette when I thought the Sand Snakes had poisoned Bronn - he is probably my favourite character ever since he fought Vardis. Jaime will figure out how to yank off his armour and get out of the ocean I hope, he is supposed to murder Cersei, isn't he?

If Sam could raven-forward her "A Dance With Dragons" she could learn about how her ancestors' dragons died in combat and strategize accordingly to avoid their mistakes. MAKE IT HAPPEN JON YOU BROODING COCK.

Yes but I believe Rhaenys Targaryen's dragon Meraxes was killed by a bolt through her eye, so, with the right aim it could kill one of them, at least one of the other dragons who have really yet to see any character development from. I want to get to know all the dragons plz and see them lay eggs