

You are neither funny nor correct on either count; I am Canadian, and voted conservative in the last two elections. Please die.

Congratulations to every commenter who spent 30 minutes on an essay detailing the episode's plot holes and time discrepancies. I actually expected some people to be discussing what might happen in the future of the show and other show-related topics! Instead I am bored by your pedantic dullness! Please die!

Ok, it's Brienne.

Remember when that redneck starts lassoing player on the ice? Even as a 7 year old I found that addition implausible.

Would the Knights of the Vale really have turned the tide towards Jon though if they hadn't been used as a surprise tactic? I felt the whole idea is that they were a surprise flank force and thus were able to swarm the enemy as they enclosed on Jon etc.

Very interesting! Thanks. I have never used the word personally, but had only ever read it used incorrectly so I had no idea of its actual meaning.

Doesn't seem like Arya fully grasped the concept of being an objective Faceless Man, however. She is still ridden by obsession with vengeance and her idea of honour, and disdain for traditional female gender roles.

Am I the only one who thought Dany was going to bite it and possibly be recruited by the Night King as his bride to replace the one that seduced him initially? Am I crazy for thinking that?! I was sure of it!

I still think it's less humiliating than beheading. People do weird stuff with your head in Westeros.

It's frustrating. There was some great non-book dialogue between characters (see Tyrion, Bronn and Varys's discussion on how to defend King's Landing/Tywin approaching Joffrey in the throne room), so for me the quality of dialogue has not regressed because the show has surpassed the books but rather because they've

I suppose she could plead for the lesser charge of unintentional manslaughter, like her victims walked into her knife

Okay, murder is defined as "The unlawful premeditated murder of one human by another". In a court of law, she would be charged and found guilty with the murder of Ser Meryn Trant, among others. I suppose if you think what she has done does not match that definition, you would make the world's shittiest law student.

He also cost himself two major alliances because of his bullheadedness, executing Karstark and breaking his wedding vow, so he's a terrible example of how to win a war.

Ok maybe you've made a different definition

I believe George based Sam and Tyrion off himself, so he might crown himself vicariously through either one.

Yeah Arya was incredibly abrasive all episode, thinking she's so wise just because she's gained such a thirst for murder and cold revenge. It's almost like she's forgotten what her specific vendettas are and just wants to murder the world. She's a medieval internet troll with Sansa too

I don't understand why you draw the parallel to the Mad King when she is essentially attempting the same conquest as Aegon the Conquerer, who by all accounts is more similar to her than a man who listened only to pyromancers and was utterly insane. Aerys Targaryen never conquered anything or took anything by force in

Agreed. Dragonflame is very hot anyway (it melted Harrenhall) so it would destroy the brain stem in about as much time as beheading, which I think is far more humiliating, and people in Westeros do inappropriate stuff with bodies and heads i.e. put your pet's head on your body and parade you around like a freak and

Did Big Jon Umber get an on-screen death? He died at the RW with Robb and them right?