
Ask any of the online alt-right conservatives what they think about any type of feminism, first wave, second wave, new wave or tidal wave and get ready to hear about their "no problems" with feminism

Yeah, I think it was more about the fact that these were once the same men he fought alongside against Stannis at Mud Bay, so the whole idea of fighting for a greater cause becomes miniaturized (pun intended) when your former comrades are being burned alive. MAYBE. Who knows.

I LOVED Stannis on the show, mostly due to Stephen Dillane's perfect performance. I preferred show Stannis.

"I suppose it was all rather heroic, if you were drunk enough and had some poor Riverlands whore to shove your prick inside and 'make the eight'"
-Renly Baratheon

Don't think so, unless they're going to create Connington's character as well - TBH I don't think that plotline would translate well into a show that's not really catered to book fans

Emperor Sansatine?

Actually your "Qyburn gonna Qyburn" line was funny. But yeah, I would suggest accepting, as both a reviewer and a viewer, that you're not going to ever have the more real-time aura that season 1, 2, and 3 did so well again. The backdrop of Robb's war against the Lannisters felt long and drawn out (in a good way) so

She was shaved

Craig and Bill Martell, the founders of Sunspear Gravel and Concrete actually are alive and well and opening a second location in Lemonwood.

What an unsatisfying ending that would be.

TWO THUMBS UP FOR GRENDEL REFERENCE. I wrote about him for my thesis

It was a stunning battle, far better than any of the LOTR battles. It had tasteful use of 'tiling' extras rather than straight CG-ing them. Tiling is a brilliant advent!

"She's been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know."
"She's been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know."
"She's been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know."
"She's been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and

Why are you watching the show still if it causes you such pain? LOL. You poor little man you need something else in your life. A GF! Or a Loras Tyrell-like BF!

My guess is Cersei will somehow have Dany or Arya being tortured or something and Jaime will step in and murder her.

This review was wasted by attempting to comb out linear holes in the plot, not in one paragraph, but in at least 3 that I detected. It isn't really funny or interesting to read about. I give this review a C, and will read the newbie ones from now one, despite having read the books three times, because you're a

Hacksaw and SS were indeed horrid. I kept wondering how they could make a movie with so much money and Will Smith so terribly bad. Upon thinking about it, Runner Runner with Ben Affleck and JT is actually the worst movie of all time, and I saw it in theatres. It is seriously so horrible you have to experience it.

I love Eyes Wide Shut. Amazingly cast, creepy score, TC's perforomance outstanding. Orgy scene was lit and decorated phenomenally! Plus Sidney Pollack cameo

I thought Attack of the Clones was best of the prequels. Even with the "I hate sand" monologue

What Women Want is definitely the most sexist movie written by a woman I've ever seen, but not the most sexist probably.