
I remember the day he was born. He looked up at me and said, "Mama, I am not a person. This body is just a flesh vessel for an immortal being whose name, if you heard it, would make you lose your mind!"

I lol'd

This was the party that tried to repeal it 50+ times, and had over 20 Banghazi hearing, etc.

And here I was looking at a possible future with the State Department.
My house is on fire. Everything is fine.

Both of these things are full of truth.

And thank God for that! Honestly, she's probably better off a single parent than married to a slimeball who calls himself The Mooch.

Witness me!
*goes down in flames*
Mediocre, Mooch!

I'm more worried about how much army they're going to have left when the Night King comes.

^ best comment

+1 for choosing "gulch."

That means Sam will need to run away to do some kind of plot thing.

I mean, they could, you know, give Dany some armor (could be very protective armor since she doesn't actually need to move much or fight) to help with that little arrow problem. It's not like it would be super easy to hit her anyway.


I'm jus' gonna say: Jaime looked mighty handsome with his horse and armor. But seriously, dude, have some self-control… I still think the chances are high that he'll add Queenslayer to his list of titles. Jaime: killing monarchs for the good of the country and getting naught but misery for it since 283 AC.

Why not tell Sansa too though?

Jaime, I mean, like, ugh…

There'd be like a million GoT women in that group. Finding a woman who hasn't been at least horribly violated in this show is like finding a dragon. :(

How can we make this the worst, creepiest, most awkward convo between them? Oh, I KNOW, YOU GUYS!

I know. I was really worried about that.

I think they've just dispensed with giving screen time or a sense of time passing to travel altogether. No time now!