
Not subtle, show!

Oh heavens no! But there is a possibility that failing flat denial they'd be like, "Not under our roof!" thinking that'll teach 'm. My other siblings and I just sorta agreed amongst ourselves that if something like that ever happened, we'd be like, "Come stay with me/us!"

Oh, Cassandra! "Oh, ye believe not me, though ne'er so loud I cry!"

^ He also watches TV! Just like the little guy!

Fake news! He has the best people! Just the best! /s

Adoption's the way to go, man. No worries, though. This is a guy who openly admits to being an a******, and I have certain decency-toward-people-beyond-just-me standards. Also, not my close, personal in-law, but a sibling removed. Another sibling married into an open-minded family who accept their gay family members,

You're right. It really really is worth reading in its entirety.

CIA recruit, lol?

They could just say he doctored the tape. Fake news! Blah blah blah.

I can see this euphemism-for-a-euphemism being used on Bojack Horseman.

Can confirm from a reliable source my Muslim-hating, "good guys with a gun" family values in-law talks like this in private / in sympathetic company.

When this is all over, you should count the number of times you've posted that. Maybe make a guest blog post out of it: "Nate the Great Hates This S*** : 1347 Times in the Age of Trump We Did Too."

I really want to hear from the AP reporter tasked with devulgarifying Scaramucci.

I think that's why this particular story actually makes me laugh instead of horridisgustraged. He's like a fictional character.

I was just about to bring that up. In fact, I have very frequently brought up Howard Dean since the election. "He's not temperamentally fit to be president! What if he yelled 'yeah' like that at a State Dinner?!" Because apparently, we had such standards back then that even a too-enthused Yeah! was enough to kill your

So who gets to be "the AT&T of people" (also known as the worst)?


"We weren't even testing for that."

I didn't know hate could do that!