
"It's a wrap!" :D

I don't know. He looks perplexed to me.
While also being…I guess you could call that calm, or unaffected.
Also, many words do change in meaning over time. Maybe this is one of those things.

Ah, sibilant alliteration.

What is happening right now?!
Why do they keep shooting him?!
They're taking turns!
People die when they are—NOPE! …I see now…
Badly dubbed English over…English… :D
"Be strong!" `o`」」
"Mn. Mn, it's true." *bad cuts*
How have you never heard of ninjas?
WHAT? what? *head spinning*
….Magnificent! 0/5 stars!

If I told my AT&T story in full it would fill volumes: multiple techs, multiple lies (yes, straight lying to my face), communication problems within a communications company, multiple supervisors, apparently there is no one above them, hours long holds, transferred to the wrong people, sent back and forth, a tech

So…dude has control issues?

I don't think he was just tired. If you pause the screen, in his journal he always notes his emotional state during episodes. He noted everything until he got to that point and stopped.

That was my first thought when she said, "the answer is always the good stuff."

Me too. Didn't see it coming.I knew he wouldn't just give in, but still. Touché, Howard.

Yeah. She probably doesn't trust anyone else to dot every i and cross every t.

I still don't understand why she doesn't just hire help, for crying out loud.

Please no. You really want the country destabilized like that? Personally, I'd really like people to ratchet down the violence this year.

Hey! I have family with a last name not dissimilar to your handle. And similarly, I'm brown enough to be considered a minority by some and white enough to be white by others. And I was, as it were, "raised white," with the blind spots that entails. I had to learn about a lot of things that (still) affect black people.

Still are, on paper. At least until 2020 when MENA gets added to the Census, for better or worse.

For a moment I thought you wrote grimcrack, as in, perhaps, something that is both grim and WTF, or fanfiction that combines "grimdark" and "crackfic."

You keep saying that.

Trump is a swirling void of ego, around which not even truth or reality are fixed points. He is the fixed point of his universe; everything else are shifting sands.

What is with Trump's weirdness about women having blood coming out of their bodies?

In all sincerity, this is frighteningly true.

Please, someone do this. Can call it the NGOA - National Gun Owner's Association.