

Wasn't that the original point? Every snowflake is unique? (not in the current usage of course)

Sounds legit!

Um, totally sincere here: I haven't heard anything about the current interpretation of the Second Amendment being suspended anywhere. Is that just hyperbole? I don't keep up with gun legislation (I live in a state with almost no restrictions - but I prefer ancient weapons), and I know some places actually have

Persian words are really easy to make English mnemonics for (unlike Japanese). A lot of them kinda sound like what they are anyway, if that makes sense. I mean, how can you not love a word like bozorg?

"I understood that reference." -Cap

Today's press briefing with SHS made me want to let my cat loose on someone's face.

Can I just throw Jackson in there too?

Much smile. Very amuse.

I'm pretty sure that's not how you milk a cow, lol. Ouch!

Ah! This! I was trying to figure it out. I also feel this way.

Bannon's like the zombie cultist who is actually trying to get everyone bit and undead, but doesn't explicitly say so; the rest of the survivor group is dumb enough to not realize the obvious while you yell at them through the TV.

You've got to remember that these are just simple Netizens. These are people of the Web. The common clay of the digital frontier. You know… morons.
-Blazing Keyboards

Wise words

I definitely thought Aunt Lydia was gonna get some rocks to the head. But then I realized Offred/June was too smart for that and knew they'd never get away with it.

I actually know someone whose family member got into a bad marriage and by the time she divorced him had lost most of her ability to make choices for herself, even things like where to eat dinner, when before she'd been independent and opinionated. Dude just chipped away at her bit by bit. At least she got away though.

What I wonder is just how they were able to write anything at all. It must have been difficult smuggling writing implements.

More than money or clothes that's what she needed. ;_;

Aren't they just the worst?

"Go to your rooms home and think about what you've done!" Like they're a bunch of kids.