
Lol, I had just been thinking how evil Serena Joy was when June started actually saying those things; I literally thought, "You're evil, you know that?" and then those exact words came out of her mouth.

“but I feel like I ought to be looking at my phone, like it’s my default state of being.”

A while back a relative of mine claimed, completely serious, that all mass shooters were Democrats (so many things wrong with that, from causation vs correlation to basic facts, etc.).

What is wrong with you? Shooting anybody is wrong. Find someone's politics reprehensible? Fine. Vote them out. Call your congressperson. Protest them to the point they go home in shame. But shrugging off a would-be mass shooter's attempted MURDER, is profoundly messed up. And the dude doesn't "want people to die," he

"I understood that reference" is one of my favorite things :)

I really want Nacho to live! But I'm just telling myself he's going to die eventually so I won't be too heartbroken if/when it happens; the chances are pretty high :(

Yeah, the whole thing smells of a studio exec saying, "Hey! I know how to get more ratings!"


All through the episode I just kept thinking, "Hire someone, Kim! (And sooner rather than later.) You can't do everything yourself!"

That was probably the best bit in the episode (I also greatly enjoyed Howard's utterance of Gollum).

I hope the lawyers get Irene and company to change their minds.

I kept wondering why she never confronted anyone or why no one ever compared notes: "Well, Jimmy said…"

Honestly, I really disliked this episode. It's not that they did anything wrong or poorly, I just despised what Jimmy was doing. Combined with everything else that was going wrong for the characters, it was just painful to watch. I actually almost changed the channel.

This comment reminds me of those people in "hard sciences" calling psych and soc "not real science" and humanities courses "useless fluff."


No. No one outside MRA or alt-right circles (or porn) should be making that a thing.

Nice job you have there. Be a shame if something happened to it…

"Gimme loyalty."
"I can give you honesty."
"That's all I ask: your honest loyalty."
I literally burst out laughing at that. Mostly so my head wouldn't explode.

The way her voice changes when not speaking normally, ie. when talking to Waterford, etc. - the higher pitch and softer tone - is perfect….and sickeningly reminds me of what I do in customer service. :/

It's already wearing on me like Game of Thrones and the Walking Dead - two shows I no longer watch.