
Hey, don't insult boobs like that!

Most of what I heard was, "We don't need to change stances or anything, just say it differently."

"genius police"
Ugh. Come on, man.

Even when inverted I didn't really like it. Maybe because I wanted more potential scenes with them bantering and saving the day together (I didn't expect the like Chris Pine's Steve so much). But the death of loved ones literally unleashing the power within is such a tired trope, and is completely at odds with

re: resonance: I can attest to my mother trying to hold me back from going to other places in the world, even countries safer than our own, because she's afraid someone will kidnap me and sell me on the black market (As someone with an interest in issues like human trafficking, I'm aware). Even that specific thing

Having little background in WW mythos besides whatever I've absorbed through cultural osmosis, I took her demi-god status (as I assume her mother was not a goddess) as translating into some extra non-mortal superpowers, being much harder to kill, and having god-like talent in whatever she trained in - not that she

I thought the counterpoint was that humans are bad, but they are also good. They are capable of listening to their better angels and doing the right thing, even when corrupted, even in the face of pressure or the pull of selfishness. And Steve was just a very personal example of that.

Oh yeah! I knew I was forgetting an ingredient. Yes, add thin-sliced pear or apple to it and it's even more awesome.

AMC just showed the Day After Tomorrow, trolololol. I wonder if that was a coincidence or super planned.

I'm American and…I agree. Not a few hours ago I was saying Merkel might as well hold a press conference basically claiming the title and throwing lots of shade Trump's/the US's way.

Lately, I've started making "fancy" grilled cheeses: mixed cheddar + a thin layer of fruit jam (even the basic strawberry jelly works well, though I somehow discovered a pear one too). I'm still experimenting with breads (wheatberry and sourdough are pretty good). It really doesn't take much and it's delicious.

I imagine the "Poor Martha" title will transfer to "Poor Stan."

I wasn't sure it was over until I checked the time…

So much awful

So uh, caring about manipulating a kid into suicide - basically, family - is "petty" and "bourgeois," Tuan? What are you even fighting for anymore? You know what? I take back every notbad thing I said about you last week.

I like how the TV said "in Russia" or "in the Soviet Union" (I can't remember which) and then the scene cuts to Russia. Nice :)

That was the moment I knew Philip's intuition was right. I'm not convinced she works for the USSR though. I think her true loyalties are going to be a surprise.

"They're not Christians. They're Catholics!"

You make no sense. ??

I lol'd.