
Well, in all likelihood he'll get himself thrown out due to obnoxious and disruptive behavior.

It is really conspicuous in its absence. It feels weird.

Nice essay. One of the first things I thought watching this show was how it reminded me of what black slaves went through.

Maybe Gilead is desperate. I got the impression they were poorly functioning as it is despite their fertility advantage.

"I don't think there would be a lot of people out there just killing gay people if it were suddenly legal to do so. Most people don't have the stomach for that sort of thing…"

Honestly, if the guy was going to hide them all in the trunk anyway, what's the harm in keeping the backpack??

Maybe, but when you've already dehumanized a group of people and are willing to engage in human trafficking and the slave trade…. Plus, Mexico would have already paid for them. Why pay more to people who are already used to being like cattle (and chattel) when you don't have to?

They probably think humans, with our cars and other noises, are irritating too.

Why is this still a thing?

Take a look, it's in a book

Nooooo, moar

"You could be good at this." -Elizabeth

At least it's not snowing anymore…

+1 for "Pashacide"

I hadn't thought about it like that.

I meant to imply that, aside from a one-way trip to a gulag being particularly unpleasant for him, maybe that fate was somewhat hanging over him from the beginning.

That's definitely a weird switch.

I thought hanging too for a second.

It occurs to me how much Oleg loved the comforts of America…

It has been for a while…