
Isn't possible she really was just that paranoid about the neighborhood? Unless I'm forgetting something (which I could be).

That's his fatal flaw there. He's so ruthless and self-assured he doesn't even think Nacho could be cunning enough and willing to cripple him to keep his dad clean.

Sounds about right. "If I can't keep him out of the law, I can at least keep him from tarnishing the McGill name!"

Me too.

It really was.

Honestly, I didn't even recognize him.

"Let it sink in."

Or how some people, having worked in retail, instead of treating other retail people nicely, feel a compulsion to basically haze them ('you don't deserve better treatment than I got! and besides, it drove me to find a different job, didn't it?').

I don't have a family *waggles eyebrows* I'm female; I hope that works for you. I figure I can be sexually agnostic for the purposes of Canadian health care.

I hate that. Stop yelling at each other for a minute! Also, let's give six people more than a minute to say something. Also, where are you getting these people? These are not adults, much less experts.

Come on, NPR. -_-

I still can't get over walking on campus on election day and seeing precisely ZERO "I voted" stickers. Idiots.

"They've always been revoltin'. But now they're rebellin'!"

I mean, why even bother to have a town hall meeting then? Just do what Trump wants to do and publish pronouncements without input or feedback. And/or do what my rep does and solicit only the feedback you want to hear (electronically, so you don't have to actually interact) so you can claim authority of the people.

Also, beer in the old days had a low alcohol content, like 10% or less.


Spiceys on pikesies!

At my library it's 50 cents a page for color. Only 10 cents for B&W though. Cheaper than the print shops.

Right? I think most people don't realize how much time it takes and the trouble involved with psych meds. But for a lot of people it's the difference between life and death. Oh yeah, a lot of self-medicating. That's why a lot of people end up addicted to begin with. I feel like yelling at people sometimes, "Psychic