
Oh for sure *raises a glass to Carrie Fisher *sniff*.* There was a whole thing about lobotomies (can't remember if it was a book or NPR) that was super interesting…

I guess. But can't they *do* something with him? He's just seemed sorta there for a while now. He doesn't have to be in on the secret, just, you know, doing something. Though I just saw the promo for next episode and it looks like I might get my wish.

When Jesse first introduced Saul, he said he got Emilio off the hook, so Emilio at least HAS to appear.

Somehow I doubt she'd leave Jimmy and to return to a new HH. I don't think she really wants to work for Howard anymore, and while going it alone is hard, she knows it can pay off later and is willing to do it the slow hard way. Things are looking fine for her career just now, anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if he

Can I just say: What kind of street name is Nacho?

I mean, the biggest difference in whether it stems from a physical or psychological source is the type of treatment prescribed. If it's largely a mental health issue - and other than the pain, Chuck's symptoms sound a lot like an anxiety attack - then something like CBT and exposure therapy (which does NOT mean

That scene between Howard and Chuck: In any other show or movie, in any other context, we'd be rooting for Chuck and disdaining Howard's concern for PR over Justice!(TM). I mean, he's not wrong. Jimmy did commit a felony and a "slap on the wrist" is not what is called for there. But because Chuck is such a jerk who's

The fallout from that is going to be nuclear.

[off topic] You know we(Americans) have been in a state of war for over 15 years? An entire generation has grown up never knowing what "not being at war somewhere" / peacetime looks like (but it's also not on our terf, so there's a kind of messed up disconnect too). It used to be we had a war every several

Yeah, it annoys me. Why can't the writers just utilize Henry somehow? >_> Just writing him out of the show seems dumb and lazy for such an otherwise brilliant show.


points for BEEP

I really want to hear more Russian out of them, even though I know it won't sound good. And it's always pleasantly jarring to hear their real names. Just once before the show ends I'd like to hear them call each other by their real names (I wonder if they even be comfortable with that).

Not to mention the looks on their faces when they were told the super wheat was engineered from stolen Russian grain and would be studied "for years" (IMO possibly indefinitely) without helping a single starving soul in the near future.

"[F]olding up people in suitcases" is a phrase at once hilarious and horrifying.


I know. That plan is terrible and unstable. I'm already preparing myself for the worst possible outcome, like so many ruined lives and families before them.

So I guess the writers never figured out what to do with Henry so they're preparing to ship him off to boarding school? Is that it? Because that's irritating. Like, don't create a character and not use them. That's really my only complaint.

Isn't that Russia's MO too? "See? See? Every country and especially the U.S. is as corrupt and bad as us, so don't bother having any standards or higher expectations."