
I found Nick's apology inadequate. >:(

It was interesting to see, especially after the new Ofglen talked about how "they're nice to me," and June Offred looked at her like she'd grown two heads.


It is. Egh

This happens at hospitals too. If you say you're suicidal, they have to admit you (for obvious reasons). According to my mom, once in a while they'd get an admit who wasn't really suicidal, just in need (of food, shelter, drugs, a shower, etc).

"You did yoga, right?" [or something like that]

I work with the public, and it's kinda alarming how many people were left behind the digital divide. It's not just seniors either.

My relative's lawyer had to be given a cell phone by his assistant. He'd insisted he didn't need such a thing. This was…a year or so ago? Maybe a few years? He knows his area of law, but uh…yeah.

^ That made me laugh way more than it should have.


The GOP was so petty that when Obama said he'd be cool with signing a certain bill, even the person who sponsored the bill spoke out and voted against it along with most of his GOP colleagues. (Not giving Garland a hearing takes the cake though, and something I will never ever forgive them for. That's reneging on your

I'm starting to feel more and more like I'm just living in a corporatopia than a country. :/

Ah, you've worked in retail, haven't you? ahaha

That would be a little, uh, threatening. Like in a violent, Secret Service or FBI are coming to your house sort of way.

*Drinks the sarcasm like a fine wine.*

Haha "bloodless ghoul"

IMO the tweets were not even great examples of righteous anger or its expression, just a venomous Internet dog pile.

I know! I had to look it up even. I love it when I find a word that is both uncommon and useful. You know what else is a great word (especially for talking about movies, TV, etc)? Verisimilitude. :)