
To be fair, things actually have changed (and not just the Southern Strategy stuff). There's a been a lot less overlap and a greater push to the right and toward stringent ideological "purity" than in olden times (remember those moderate Republicans who flipped to a D cuz they were pushed out of the Party?). There's


The next time she even walks she'll think about it. Immediately. From the pain.

Yup. If he was really just trying to get her pregnant for HER sake, he'd at least offer to, uh, take care of himself if you know what I mean, and be, you know, clinical about impregnating her.

The thing with the feet flogging - I remember reading of recent political prisoners being tortured that way. One guy said it was the very worst torture he'd endured. Nothing else he suffered was as bad as that. This stuff has not only happened, but still happens.

"…united in suffering, but not in solidarity."

Yeah, I don't know why age seems to make some things more affecting -
maybe because it feels more "real?" and less like something that only happens to fictional characters or "other people" far far away?

Patriot Act
Defense of Marriage Act
Right to Farm
Right to Work

Some people really don't believe in protesting - as in they don't believe anyone should do it - and view it with disdain and contempt.

Also, households still need stuff. Why would most companies care if the account the money is coming from is under a man or a woman's name? The smart companies would simply make sure their products are in line with government policy.

I became hyper-aware of how they shot more bullets off each time. That ramping up made the scene even scarier.

It's also great for producing scapegoats to unload frustrations and anxieties on.

Thanks for the link. I like how the first infographic is short and to the point, basically saying it's (1) a human rights violation and (2) should never be performed.

Islam is a massive, varied world religion; it's not a monolithic hive-mind best exemplified by the Taliban or Saudi Arabia. Good grief, I somehow doubt you even know the difference between a Sufi* and a Salafist, and don't seem to display a well reasoned or well informed view of Islam or the issues of religious

I see. Thanks for the reply.

There's a point where you have to ask yourself whether you are, in fact, better off having watched the thing or not.

It's like Offred and the "Salvaging" of that condemned man..

Nope! No thanks. I don't want (my avatar/PC) to be raped in a video game.

It was gross. Like, he knows it is violently demanded of her to be submissive, reserved, and obedient, but he acts like that's just how she is and he should guide her just because he's more confident or experienced or whatever stupid ego thing when he knows perfectly well he has all the power and control to get away
