
Yeah, now he's just her favorite dealer, lol.

Yeah, they botched it. So did Gaad, though. Of course, hindsight is, oh, well, mm…..

I know, right? Gives people the wrong idea.

It really was.

Reminds me of when Nina and that other girl were sharing a cell; I thought for sure the girl was going to end up being bi or just "gay for the stay" and Nina was going to seduce her for the mission.

As far as nuke movies go, 'When the Wind Blows' is the one that traumatized me… Nothing like an hour of a sweet old couple in denial slowly and helplessly dying of radiation sickness while every living thing also dies a horrific death around them ending in them wrapping themselves in their own corpse bags just as the

If "at least she didn't rape him" is where we're at, it's already a pretty crummy place to be. :(

Yeah, that's the problem I have with this plan. I would have advised against it. The likelihood his honesty and integrity will lead Don to confess to his wife and/or refuse to give in to blackmail is much, much higher than the average mark.

I admit, watching it on hulu I actually fast forwarded through all that.

Me too.


Don't do it. Another you may find a way from the Darkest Timeline to come shoot your tattooed part off.

My nearly 70 yo mother changed her affiliation altogether! They lost a life-long Republican. Most of her positions haven't even changed much AFAICT, she's just always been moderate. She watches all the main channels from Fox to MSNBC. I don't know how she stands it.

No Metal Wolf Chaos candidates?

For real. Every time some broadcast on the U.S. election comes up, it sounds like the coverage for a sporting event.

Pretty good. Scary Mary is still the best though.

I was thinking it might all magically 'cure' his condition.

Same with Omar.

Just looked it up: New Mexico is a one-party consent state - so it's totes legal.

For me it's not that he isn't the cool one. It's that Chuck does the right thing for the wrong reasons.
He's like Captain Hammer - he makes being the good guy somehow slimy and despicable.