

It looks like Howard isn't *entirely* happy with Chuck edging back into being the Man in Charge.

Looking forward to seeing Jimmy's commercial next episode.

Yeah, the downside of the Dark Side doesn't come until later, and by then it's often too late. You're either trapped, dead, or too far gone.

What is this obsession with Maul storytellers have? I get that he was too cool to be killed off without exploring him more, but he was bifurcated and fell down a long shaft. That should be perma-death. Hatred keeping someone alive like that doesn't make sense, even with the power of the Force. Oh well.

I kinda liked the helicopters ^^ I mean, if you're going to have mechanically spinning double lightsabers like that, might as well have flight functionality. That's what I'd want; I bet Bruce Wayne would approve, too.

By the way, whatever happened to the other clones Rex was with? I don't remember.

You know, I was kinda hoping Vader would have more feelings about meeting her again, or that they might talk more. But he just acted like usual Vader. I guess I should have expected that.

That was a good arc.

I agree on those points, but there were a few bits slightly off. Mainly, it felt just a tad rushed the closer it got to the end, but just a little, like the ep could have used another minute or so sprinkled in. I couldn't help but think that if it weren't for time constraints, Maul's grooming of Ezra would have taken

This makes all the sense to me. As kids my siblings and I created our own words, the most of which has no one meaning. It means whatever mostly positive thing it needs to mean.

I love this game. It was the very first Playstation game we got along with Suikoden 2 (which is excellent, BTW; the mini-games alone…). Getting a Playstation was an extravagance for us and I still remember the excitement walking out of the store that night. The OP sequence and cut scenes were amazing to me at the

That may be part of why I liked him - I was an unsociable dork too! Though I did enjoy pretending he was hitting on every female NPC that walked by, haha!

The difference is if they were car salesmen, Hamlin would be the slick kind whereas Saul is the sleazy kind. Hamlin would be hired to sell convertibles, while Saul would be making a killing off lemons.

That's one handsome Smithers.

Now that you mention it, he seemed so wistful about "independence" he may start thinking it's time to take HHM down couple letters.

I heard of some dude making a similar comment about a (female) person's (male) kitten sleeping on their chest*. Instantly ruined a sharing of cute pet anecdotes and made everyone feel gross - except the clueless guy, of course.

Ooooh, nice catch. And very clever.

I rather like Cat Landlady/lord (Neko no Ooya-san; 猫の大家さん) game for mah phone.

Yeah, been there done that. Got very kindly called out (not about s.h. but other stuff) by a friend, stammered and got defensive, but almost immediately after learned from and appreciated it.