
I cared so much if Glenn died before. Making Glenn a killer like everyone else took away the last vestiges of what made him different. He has become less and less defined by things other than his relationship with Maggie (seems like they've just not been trying). Tonight I thought, 'You know, I don't want him to die,

Also need to include that Morgan goes back on his vow and kills the guy, but that can be included as a clause.

Man! Carl is such a jerk.

My bio teacher somehow didn't have a problem despite working in a small Bible Belt town where there was at least one intersection with a church on every corner (well, 3 out of 4).

I see, similar to how if you go far enough into the Uncanny Valley you end up on the other side with something that /doesn't/ look like the spawn of the Robot Devil.


Yay, X-Files.


I guess this is where that "What this is I don't even" meme goes…

I was invited to a megachurch once; it definitely felt…commercial-y. It wasn't terrible on a production level - and I could understand it having a mild uplift and get-out-of-daily-myopic-life effect - but I could not get how people got anything actually spiritual out of it. Apparently I was the only one cuz people


"I hope we haven’t seen the last of [Omar]."

Me too.

Yeah, the big firm loves her, will make her a partner in a couple years, is stable, with plenty of help to take on big cases, etc. It will pay more, and pay off her loans. It's unwise to throw that away just to have your own firm sooner (she could still strike out on her own later >_>) but with all the downsides of

I'm hoping he realizes it could be bad for Kim. He already got her in trouble before.

Me too. Jimmy is professionally toxic and Kim's association with him will destroy her career in the end.

I still don't know how Jesse is supposed to live a normal life when he's surely on the FBI's wanted list.

Oh no! She'll be married to that gas station guy! ;_;

Thank you