
Does anyone know what that song was at the end?

It seemed like they were fighting for position in that walk too - she'd be slightly ahead, then him, his pace was quite fast, and finally he cut her off at the corner.


That's a good point. There's no music. I guess in a world where the living dead will come to eat you if you make too much noise "Silence in Golden" would be the prevailing philosophy, but still.

A thousand times this.

It's kind of disingenuous to act like Negan's "wives" were all there because they just wanted to be and were totally okay with it. It's only technically voluntary, like how Carnegie's workers were technically free to shop at someplace other than the company store.

Poor Tara…

Uh, I never implied the writers (as the characters have no actual agency) needed viewer permission for anything… ???

Moral of the story is: Don't cut corners / take shortcuts. Play it safe.

My problem is that they don't develop interesting and attachment-worthy characters in the wings very often. I would be awfully sad about Denise's demise, but I wouldn't be mad if I knew there were other interesting characters that could get more exploration. Are there any Alexandrians worth knowing? Maybe Aaron, but

I still can't get behind Sashraham because of how Abraham dumped Rosita. He needs to rethink how he treats people/deals with emotions first.

My computer is ready!

Color me skeptical. That sounds a touch too sexist to be true. Besides, it's not the soap opera-yness of it that was bad, but the writing itself. They made terrible writing choices that made little sense, the dialogue was cringe-inducing and poorly written, the tired tropes were bad and poorly utilized, the plotting

I always wondered what on earth happened that cause Dexter to dive bomb in quality so quickly.

I really want an icing drenched cinnamon roll right now >_>

Maybe preview the first episode (keep in mind the first few minutes are not in color, so you might just skip the beginning) and see if it's prettier. I'm not sure anyone here could really give you a definite answer.

Yeah, it's basically performing arts - no less so than other forms.
(Fun fact: I was a very amateur magician once upon a time. :D)

Indeed! Me as well.

Uh, I think Rick liked Lori…