
Maybe he's thinking he's the jerk with the car now.

Yeah, that bit was symbolizing loudly at the audience.

Ideally. There's good potential. I just don't want her to start hesitating or Rick to start reverting to overprotective cop husband mode (eyeroll). I do prefer someone like Michonne over the usual TV girlfriend type who is there to give Rick rescue stakes and is never allowed to be his equal much less overshadow him.

Come to think of it, you're right. I guess they just hadn't shown much o' that for a while, so I forgot. S'all good then.

I hated that Kim basically said, "I don't want to hear about it again" [so you can break the law as much as you want just don't tell me, kthanx] instead of "Come on, don't do that again" [for your and everybody's own good]. Because you know he's gonna ride that technicality all the way to Cinnabon.

You can still have things go wrong and characters make mistakes, but there's a point where it crosses into plot induced stupidity. There was no good reason to leave the other car or take the truck into the field.

Well, they could still do that with other characters, but I don't think they will. Le sigh.

That's stupid. Non-blood relatives and non-sexually involved people can be family. Didn't you ever see Three Men and a Baby? ;)

Yeah, I'd prefer platonic family-ishness, but I guess it's okay. I worry a little as it may complicate Michonne's role as the One Who Bashes Rick Over the Head when he gets out of control. Also, Rick's love interests tend to die.

Yeah, for a while I thought he was just pretending.

The real breaking point would be black man + white woman. Their brains might literally explode.

Me either.

None are native to North America (it *is* found in Central America), but it is grown in the U.S. Weirdly, according to Wikipedia the U.S. is one of the largest exporters and Mexico is one of the largest importers of sorghum.

I want Jesus to die, like, now, because of the truck incident.

Was Lori really that bad? I don't remember Lori being that bad.

I was thinking this but didn't say it.

People would keep you around because they like you. You could be the Mark Whatney of the group minus the ability to science the **** out of things. Just ingratiate yourself to the group and learn quickly. Remember, even Glenn was once just a quick-footed Pizza Delivery Boy.

Oh, I know. Everyone thinks they're that tiny fraction of a percent of humanity that would live. How…optimistic….

I don't think she was choosing her boyfriend over her kids in that scene.

Honestly, I hope so. Glenn is the only one I really want to see live. There aren't any other characters that have quite the same combo of 1. being one of the Season Oners, and therefore someone we've seen actually develop over time, plus 2. being a genuinely, thoroughly good and mature/well-adjusted person while at