
I saw them people in the church and thought, Where did all these guys come from?

But I like KORL. It's like a fun thing now. Embrace the Korl, Lincoln!

Well, the gore ponchos only work if you're not doing anything else to call attention to yourself.

I will remember this useful German word (German's always been great about that) for all time.

If you think the Portuguese "Wizard Castle" is silly, the Japanese simply means the "Magic Place…" >_>

Ooooh I hadn't thought of that.

Huh, I hadn't noticed. It certainly wasn't "strong" sexual content, was it? It was, however, kinda funny (Oh, Mulder; always in awkward situations you didn't count on). I was like, Dude, you just met him. What ever happened to romance?

Yeah, I noticed her voice sounded a bit like she had a sore throat or something.


Skinner makes the facial hair work. I really hope he found somebody in the intervening years. He needs some non-succubi love.

That's what Mulder said about the eyes popping out of Dr. Government Conspiracy. For me it was the pregnant body horror.

Agreed. I never liked the whole William thing, but they get props for not just abandoning it but actually utilizing it as best they can for the characters; and it works. Of all the people they've lost because the X-Files that one's got to be one of the hardest.

I really need some fanart of Mulder and Scully encountering the X-Men…

Yep. I really expected Scully to say, "Haven't we been down this road before, Mulder?" Because they have. I didn't care for it. I'd rather they took some of those conspiracy theories and put a unique twist on them instead of, It's all the truthiness!"

This sounds like something from an Onion article. "Oscillating Fan most watched video in the world! Beating out the previous record holder, Cat Licks Itself."

I giggled.

Good to know. Hearing McHale would be in that role seemed so weird. I'm so used to him on Community, haha.


I can only imagine it was one of those things where the people in charge had no idea how much work, time, and money is required to animate and ended up just hiring two people with Toon Boom and said, Finish this by Wednesday. Because really…

A whole episode of preparations would have been fun. There would have been a checklist! And maybe a survey afterward! :D