
I'm guilty of having thought like that when I was younger and stupider - you know, only for the rapists and serial killer types. Then I read a young man's memoir about going to prison and realized how terrible that line of thinking is, full stop.

The writers did well when introducing him. They knew fans were agitated about a Duchovny-less X-Files and dead set against a "new Mulder." So they made sure to immediately establish Doggett as a character in his own right and not taking Mulder's place. That and Scully throwing water in his face ("Look fans! We know

Yup, we humans threatened to nuke the planet so the aliens had to negotiate. The cooperation was supposedly to make things easier for them, and allow select humans, immune as hybrids, to live. Of course, both sides were playing each other. The aliens never intended humans to survive on a mass scale as oil-controlled

How did he respond?

Oooh, cool. I like that.

…Somehow I doubt it.

He was two years from retirement :(

That's about to change.

Never thought of Luke as asexual before…. I like it!

I thought she must be Luke's daughter in part because she did so well against Kylo Ren who's had so much training already, and I think Leia would have mentioned it if she was her daughter.

That's such a dumb name. My sister hath dubbed him "Voldegollum."

I really had to turn my brain off with the Starkiller Base. "Shh, shh, don't science this…"

Yeah that confused me as well. But I guess maybe they wanted to avoid what happened the last time they created an official Army of the Republic…

Those hissy fits were the best. You could feel the dread in that commander guy, and the stormtroopers turning around like, "Nope" got a big laugh at my screening.

"It's not what it looks like!"

I recently discovered the protagonist in the somehow still in development The Last Guardian game was supposed to be female.

It could be a womb. Circles are more often a feminine symbol.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one. He sounds like what a teenage boy who has just discovered cursing and R-rated movies would come up with.

Points for "corpse opera."

Man, Darryl must stink to high heaven by this point ]:(