
Having watched it semi-recently, I don't see how anyone could NOT read it as attempted rape. That's what attempted rape looks like. He tried to force himself on her despite her clear verbal objections and she had to physically fight him off, to the point of bloodily clawing his neck. She was even crying on the floor

Rick needs to get his act together.

Maybe then Jessie will lose interest in Rick, maybe throw in a "You people are like a plague!" and become interesting on her own.

Not sick of Enid, but boy am I ready to see Ron go.

I just really really wish they'd shown a zombie chomping on Glenn's shoe. That's all. Just some acknowledgement that his legs/feet were in danger as he pulled himself to safety.

It was very satisfying to see Tara flip him off. He really deserved it. Tara's got with the program (Also, I'm always pleased to see how Michonne always has a good head on her shoulders).

Jessie kinda lost it there for a minute too (scissor stabbing). Now she's…sorta-dating her abusive husband's killer? (Wouldn't you want to stay away from unnecessarily violent dudes who don't quite respect boundaries?)

Oh, I'm pretty sure I'd die early. :/ At least, the cards are stacked against me. People like to think they'd be heroes, but in reality most of us would be zombie chow.

Forgot about that.

Maybe it's whoever is with Glenn. Like, maybe Jesus came and saved him but now they're both stuck.

re:too trusting. I think this may just be the risk of recruiting new people. Ultimately you're taking a chance, which is why Rick was against it before.

Imma be honest: It sounded like "Dumb?" to me. lols, seriously.

No love for you!

"You people are like a plague!"

Well, at least that's simple and unambiguous.


Okay, having caught the tail end of the encore, it seems like maybe they decided on the safer bet, after that convo about people being willing to do anything for even a false sense of security, and Daryl responding to their nervous questions by only claiming two friends with their status and whereabouts unknown.

I mean, a better situation just fell into their lap, and in the best way possible.

Did I miss something? Why did those people take off at the end instead of going with Daryl? And they're…going back to the people they were running from?

Another reason why glasses are superior :D