
"Walk it off." ROFL, dude, you can't just "walk off" a quikie amputation with no treatment. haha

Having not read the comics, it sounded fine to me. Fortunate for me I guess.

"I glove you."

"…we already have a universe in which Glenn dies. I want one where he lives."

"You know what, Mr. Bag? I WILL have a nice day. I'm going to hang you in my kitchen - and fill you with other bags! YOU WILL EAT YOUR FAMILY!" - Liz

I know they do it for the name recognition, but these people aren't known or watched for their voice acting - just hire professional voice actors instead of actors with little or no voice acting experience.

Balloon-hand is a frightful affliction! I can only assume if left untreated one's hand would ooze toxins into the rest of the body before exploding horrifically all over unsuspecting bystanders.

It would also smell really bad for a long time.

I once got a small puncture with a bit of dirt in it and my hand immediately swelled up like a balloon from infection - couldn't even move my fingers. Within 3-4 hours (no treatment) I couldn't use my hand at all; it was exceptionally painful. It took something like several days to a week of antibiotics for the

They should consider having a kind of Peace Chief and War Chief like the good ol' days.

I see what you did thar.

Pointy thing on stick - or just pointy stick - would be one of my go-to weapons in a zombie apocalypse. They're real easy to craft, kill zombahz at a distance, don't make noise, and don't run out of ammo. And they're multi-purpose!

Yeah that sounds about right. Dat Shane, going all Shane on people.

I expected a bigger reaction from Ol' Yoda considering that goat was probably his only friend for some time.

Good to know :)

Yeah. Shane would have gone even darker, been more stupid, and gotten more people killed, before probably being mutinied.

They kinda went there on Talking Dead though, as it so happens…………….

One point Lenny James made on TTD was that while Morgan's way might get people killed, people still get killed with Rick's way, and it's a matter of what you can live with.

Never go full Shane! I just rewatched TWD (I only recently got back into it so I did a refresher view), and it certainly was interesting watching Shane at a time when everyone else was still clinging to the Old Ways. Although he definitely went too far down the rabbit hole, up to point he was simply "further ahead" of

Thanks for responding. Would someone who's just trying to get away from a baddie trying to hurt them not be able to? I mean, isn't it still a martial art? I'm thinking in terms of TWD world, not necessarily in a MA tournament. Obviously, I'm not well versed on martial arts.