Toni J

How could blacks colonize and be slaves at the same time dum dum? Slavery was the worst racial holocaust in history.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there is a large bloc of people who think that this racism thing is just made up by whining liberals, and they try to convince as many other voting Americans as much.

The blackest thing about her is that stay grindin’ & hustlin’. She also stay on self promotion. She and Omorosa should do a tour “How to Navigate Opportunistic Blackness while Clueless.” They can go to all GOP rallies to warm up for Diamond and Silk.

When I was a junior in college, and making some nice paper as a photographer on the side, I took four of my younger brothers to the mall to shop for xmas gifts for my parents. We were in Macy’s when we were rounded up by security and told by police that we couldn’t walk together in the store. First I was told that

I doubt she wanted that non-seasoned food anyway

Ray Lewis wanted it both ways.

Meanwhile, Big Goldfish craps on our allies—Germany, Australia, Canada and Sourth Korea. But then he fawns over his boss, Putin, and can’t wait to host that murderer from The Phillipines—christ.