Toni J

Little Keaton, according to the school, WAS the BULLY! He had been targeting other students, who looked different, and calling them n*gger! His victims retaliated back, the school brought all involved into the office and it was, apparently, dealt with there! I, too, fell for the “touching” video, and wrote a

You keep doing your thang, Ms. Demetria, your a beautiful, intelligent, strong woman. I’m sure your family are very proud of you. I don’t know you, but after watching your video and hearing your dignified response to that jealous, bigoted woman, I am very proud of you, too! You go, girl!

Reading this horrific story brought tears to my eyes, and memories of me growing up biracial(name calling, savagely beaten in kindergarten by 5 older white boys and severely injured, etc). This mother must move out of this racially bigoted environment. It’s become life or death for her children. Her family and any

Sorry, but if you’re going to tell a lie(Ms Waters never called him, “right wing”), make sure there’s no video to back your lie up! Unbelievable

I agree, why not bring back the firing squad if you’re going to have the death penalty as law. What I have never understood, regarding the death penalty controversy, of those who oppose abortions, but support the death penalty. The issue I’m confused about is their argument, against abortions, or what I prefer

The wisdom of our young women; our black women...actually American women, is giving me hope, when Friday, I had none! They’ve given me the strength to fight, and fight I will! I fight for every American: Muslim, disabled, immigrant, black, white, brown, etc.,and of course, my sisters! Trump may have actually done