
Although there is a lot of maga love here in the rootenist tootenist state in the union, the southern border of AZ is mostly Pima and Santa Cruz counties and they both went pretty solid blue last run around.

Goddamn, Trump’s strategy is just so bad lately. He’s probably got one good shot to declare an Emergency and act like a King, and he’s wasting it on the fucking wall? It’s not popular, it’s gonna piss off a ton of Texans and Arizonans that otherwise like him, and it sets a terrible, terrible precedent that a future

The Kansas attempt at doing away with gay marriage is utterly comical. I quite liked the bill’s sponsors quote:

Good replacement for the “Thanks, Obama” meme.

I would make a terrible president, ‘declaring a national emergency’ would be my favorite go-to joke for every minor inconvenience.

Trump is apparently prepared to declare a national emergency to get his border wall.

So lunatic conspiracy theorist vs Sam Harris bro who never got past the “what if reality isn’t real” level of drug thinking. I vote giant meteor.

If the average person went out and got all the right supplies (easel, canvas, good brushes, paint, etc.) could they follow along with Bob Ross during his show? Would the at-home painting end up looking as good as Bob’s? We’re 50-50 on this in the office. I say no way, but he makes it look so easy.

Her physical therapist would rather she didn’t do the butt scooting, but everyone else is happy she is exploring so we let her :)

Hi all!

It was another crazy week. I was promised the opportunity to work independently and at a good pace, and instead I had to cover for FOUR people who called in sick. (One just had her knee replaced and her incision was doing weird and awful things, one worked at another branch, and one called in “sick” four working days


I was debating posting the funny republican Jesus memes or quoting my favorite passage from Frederick Douglass

Please keep in mind that white folks have been controlling the Bible for thousands of years, editing it as necessary to fit their narrative.

Marylanders are ready to legalize mary jane.

If anybody wants to vote for a white Cis male from Washington State, please consider our governor, Jay Inslee (who has not yet formally declared but it’s pretty much a done deal at this point.) He’s very forcefully making climate change the central thrust of his his campaign, and voted in 38 out of 38 of the last

Sarah who? She’s STILL around??? She needs to start getting the Trashy Lozenge treatment.

I mean you named your son Track. For real honey that is basically forecasting his destiny. Your daughter is white trash supreme, your man ain’t shit, Glen Rice took a swim in your pool and somehow lived to tell about it and you don’t have one single accomplishment of merit on your resume. For real it was her foray

Bejeezus - I didn’t realize they were getting shots of Torodol that often.