“This motherfucker seems to forget that Congress is a co-equal branch of the government...”
“This motherfucker seems to forget that Congress is a co-equal branch of the government...”
I said from the beginning of his stanking up the place that the Dems need to treat him like an old-school Mom treats a toddler.
Nancy already sees, the only way to deal with Trump is to take things FROM HIM instead, and I am here for it.
“Trump has always felt that men are superior to women, and he even told me that,” Res said. “So in his mind, any woman would be inferior to him, even the best of the best. And here’s Nancy Pelosi, she probably is the best of the best. Problem is, she’s his match, she’s not inferior to him, she’s — in my opinion, from…
You act like a child, Donald, she’s going to treat you like one.
“She hit that man with the “per my last email,” which is office-speak for “Bitch, I already said…””
Trump has added nothing, zero, nada to this country. He has simply taken. He’s taken our government. He’s taken away rights from our citizens. He has taken lives (those children’s deaths at the border are on HIM and HIS policies, don’t @ me.)
Nancy already sees, the only way to deal with Trump is to take things FROM…
Yeah, someone definitely should have. I just read in another report that she had her yearly doctor’s examination April 16, and the doctor noticed her belly felt firm, but like you said it seems it wasn’t investigated further. Two doctors in charge of her care have have either resigned or been suspended. So the…
Once again, white boys and men experiencing consequences for their actions is seen as “ruining their lives”.
There are a lot of dead POC teenagers who’d like a word with this bitch.
Also David Hogg, if she wants to pretend that her memory doesn’t stretch back to the Central Park Five. The right-wing were positively gleeful in going after Hogg and the other Parkland kids.
Then, she added: “I’ve never seen people so happy to destroy a kid’s life.”
Apparently Sarah was asleep the day Trayvon Martin, armed with an iced tea and a packet of skittles, became a murderous thug in the eyes of the conservative press, instead of a teenager walking home in the rain.
Want to take a long standing bet that one of them will end up as a Supreme Court Justice?