
This was a security breach by tRUMP and his trash squad.  

This might’ve meant something, if she hadn’t already cancelled this herself. Besides that, these trips are usually done in secret for security reasons (which is especially important as Pelosi is after Pence in the line of succession), so publicly outing her itinerary only helps bolster those rumors that he’s a Russian

So what exactly is the child being punished for?

But then Boyd himself was pulled aside and advised to let the matter go if he wanted to get along at the plant, he said. No disciplinary action was taken, Boyd said.

I don’t know what Ashley’s banging on about. Give me old stodgy white guys tweeting about whether they should retweet Cardi B any day of the week.

“Now I don’t wanna hear you motherfuckers talkin’ about, ‘Oh, but Obama shut down the government for 17 days...yeah, bitch! For health care! So your grandma could check her blood pressure and you bitches could go check your pussy at the gynecologist with no motherfuckin’ problem.”

It’s a negative because Hillary is never allowed to be right about anything, even when she was right about goddamn near everything she said in 2016.  It is the Fundamental Rule Of Hillary.

Cardi B and I seem like we have pretty different personalities, but I can say we swear about the same amount when talking about our motherfuckin’ president and his bitch ass government shutdown.

It pisses me off how generous the news media is being towards the GOP every time the media says they’re powerless to stop the shut down. Bull. Shit.

It’s a power move, for sure.

A lot of folks who were very vocal about the need to replace Pelosi have shut the fuck up the last two weeks.

Here’s a whole twitter thread about it. She’s been talking about hot sauce for years.

There may be a couple ways to interpret this. Dude was a Texas Congressman, and being seen as anti-police might have been more political risk than he was willing to take. That said, I tend to admire the courageous stances more, though it’s much easier to call for courage when someone else has to do all the couraging.

Alternate translation; “No big fancy speech with television cameras and the whole government attending, until the shutdown is over”.  It’s bait.

Pelosi already sent the invitation, this letter rescinds that invitation and suspends the State of the Union, pending an agreement to reopen the government. Word is Trump’s speechwriters had already been working on this for weeks, and had planned to tailor it around the government shutdown. This is actually a brilliant

“Sadly, given the security concerns and unless government re-opens this week, I suggest we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29,”

What Cuomo is missing—they are supporting a bigot, and that is not up for debate.

Now playing

See this is how a real politician handles things.

Haha seriously. They might as well have just said “He was on the fifteenth mile of the marathon when a rogue eagle landed on his wrist.” At least that would have gotten the base riled up. 

“... But the White House said on Tuesday that Trump sustained the injury while playing with his 12-year-old son. “The President was having fun and joking around with his son Barron and scratched his hand,”