
Anyone have any tips for refinancing a car? Any experience that would give good things to know or avoid before doing it? I attempted to buy a new car today, and trade in my very basic 4 year old car. I bought it during a very rough financial time in my life: my paid for car bit the dust, my credit score was not even

Ugh potlucks can be so iffy, especially considering what I’ve seen in some people’s kitchens...

My daughter got tickets to her talk in Minneapolis and I’m so jelly.

Experienced the Alaska earthquake 30 miles from the epicenter- with all the accompanying aftershocks- not cool

Positive thoughts for 2019

A lil update for anyone who’s interested:

It’s been a year and a half since the former Mr. Chocobo and I split. I was super depressed and angry ,but I’m much better now. There’s no question of us getting back together but Mr. C and I are friends again. I went back to the city I used to live in to visit my parents and

YOU GUYS. I’m working a late night event tonight but my executive director just told me Michelle Obama might be visiting us!!! She’s in town for a book reading(?) which I couldn’t get tickets to, as I was working. Fingers crossed!

Truly awful. Sending you internet hugs right now. 

What was this dummy thinking, straight up. What were his intentions? What was he thinking the outcome was going to be? What kind of sad little man goes out of his way to make a service worker’s job harder, with a solid dash of sexual harassment? Fuck that guy. These women are awesome, and he’s lucky nothing more

That part had me ROLLING! The anticipation was killing my ass. What the fuck is she going to do at the end of this slow-ass Vaseline preparation routine?

And this is why I hate year-end awards shows in the beginning of December.

Totally with the MTA-angst guy. You made me look up from my crossword, you’re throwing this racist shit around IN THE MORNING, and you are making us late? Please, bitch, you’ll be lucky to get out of this car alive.

The Ann Coulter live show is off to an amazing start.

I don’t know. I think my vote still goes to BBQ Becky just because of the multiple stages of white womaness from beginning to end. The end being the crying victim.

Sorry, but that’s not how tariffs works. Adding tariffs to imported mexican goods would increase the prices of said goods in the US, prices paid for by Americans.

0% of crime in TORONTO is being committed by African AMERICANS.

The people who are pushing for a wall are people in Kansas and Alabama who live a thousand miles from any international border. People on the border, in general, are vehemently opposed to it.

On behalf of myself and all of Canada, I would like to assure everyone at The Root (even the racist wannabe trolls in the greys) that we are NOT paying for that fucking thing.

After millions of American assholes turn into temporary fondue fountains from widespread irritable bowel syndrome caused by a steady diet of Taco Bell’s meat-adjacent ingredients, they will have to buy bubblegut medicine. But once Obamacare is repealed, we will only be able to afford to buy prescription medicine from

“That’s not how this works. That’s not how anything works.”