
If only there had been a good guy with a bottle of Yoohoo. 

I’ve read numerous comments by American combat veterans outlining the rules of engagement they were required to follow in active war zones. They had to follow a series of de-escalation techniques when engaging with suspected militants, and could only return fire. Firing the first shot was grounds for disciplinary

“If his fists were in the air, you could see there was nothing in his hands.” That methodical, measured legal counter to the anticipated,”I feared for my life” police defense is brilliant!


lol, this is going to be a FANTASTIC own! Here’s the same Phil Plait:

1. Read some detailed history on how Nazis rose to power.

You didn’t ask me, but I’ll chime in anyway. I’m 48, grew up in W.Va., and “showing your ass” while out in public with my parents (especially Dad) was basically the worst offense you could commit. After reading your comment, though, I realize that I haven’t heard it in ages, either. the past couple weeks we’ve had:

You know what else is interesting? Public Idaho spokespeople already “denounced” them after they pulled this crap with the Gillum campaign ... but somehow they just haven’t managed to find it in themselves to shut them all the way down, somehow.

Does this dude think that these robocalls are actually helping the Republican candidates? I mean the people who hear that and think “you know what, that’s exactly right” were never going to vote Democrat in the first place. What it is most likely doing is turning off the on the fence voters.

The same Idaho-based white supremacist group that recently targeted Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum with extremely racist robocalls is now targeting Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and Oprah Winfrey

Quite frankly, when you hold sway over the life and death of a person, you SHOULD be thinking twice.. you should not let emotion, stereotypes, and fear dictate your actions. Of course, there is risk.. and being right is never easy.. but the job is not supposed to be easy.. its supposed to be difficult and risky and

It’s amazing what you can get a grand jury to do when you have a prosecutor who actually wants to indict a motherfucker! It is refreshing from the usual song and dance of prosecutors who claim to be bringing charges to the grand jury to consider only to have them act as the defense attorney when they get in front of

Oh, and you know what this could lead to?!?!? Cops in the Portsmouth area might start thinking twice before pulling their gun our or, even worse, shooting at a suspect who “might” be carrying a weapon!

I think you’re right. I fondly remember my late mother (Who grew up in West Virginia, btw) remarking on many occasions when she saw people behaving in a ridiculous manner, “They really showed their ass right there, didn’t they?” And if the offending party happened to be a child, mom would add, “I’d have something for

These are teachers who teach people things.

Purple Rain. I absolutely wore that cassette out. R.I.P. Prince

This is perfect except it’s missing one important element, the part where they try to get out of tipping.

I ... someone did this? If I were a server at that restaurant, I don’t even know how I’d express to them what was wrong. I think I’d just go up to the table and say, “Excuse me, sir, madam ... the fuck?”

Dear Salty,

Both my wife and I work very hard and we think we deserve, nay, are entitled to blow off a lot of steam with a nice dinner out with our 14 month-old Instabook tenant.

Yet we get dirty looks (of jealousy?) wherever we go because we find it convenient to change our kid’s nappy at our table. (It’s the good