That guy, amirite

Just curious, do you ever have customers put their hand up to the side of their mouth and whisper “I just want you to know, I think it’s TERRIBLE they’re making you work on Christmas!”? I work in retail and often have to work on holidays and whenever someone says that to me I want to scream “I think it’s TERRIBLE you

How is buying a shirt that doesn’t fit the store’s fault?


Is that from the Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition?

I fear instead that it will seem like an outlandish beacon of optimism.

His doctor will chew him out for eating them. But he’s been chewed out before.

I wish the fuck they would bring back the Pringles with the ridges.

“Saw it on Tee Vee...”

He meant that literally no one was having intercourse with your food. Everything else was fair game. 

If they are acting like an asshole just ordering their food, imagine how much of an asshole they will be if they discover their food was tampered with.

Paul Riser is obviously the responsible Swamp Thing of the pair. 

A character once accused him of having psychic AIDS.  

Dream Of The Blue Turtles IS a great album. So is Nothing Like The Sun, I would say that 97% of everything he has released since then has been mediocre to poor.

I thought they were bringing Liquid TV back?

“Are those both in Ireland?”

I doubt it, for the simple fact that Nick had the perfect opportunity to torpedo June’s loyalty to Luke by either keeping his mouth shut or making up a lie to the effect of “I looked up Luke in Canada...he’s moved on.” By including Luke saying “I’ll never stop”...Nick knows he has to step aside.

I’ve always had an irrational fear they are going to do a flash forward: June and Luke are in an apartment, they are obviously not getting along. Over the course of an episode we see they are having a major marital issue. We are meant to think this is in the past but in the final “flash” scene Luke blows up at June

It’s not so much that.. the closest I can come to explaining it is that both my parents are deceased and I guess in some way it makes me think of them as kids and the hard lives they that maybe they are reincarnated as kids somewhere out there. I know how fucked up that sounds but that’s really the best

For some reason, the kids singing at the end of John Mellencamp’s “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” cause me to start crying loudly. I have no idea why, something about it just triggers me. It’s probably the strongest reaction he’ll ever get from me; a couple of weeks ago the topic on here was “who do you think is

“Could we BE any more lost in space?”