People still rage quit this COD a lot. I hate when it becomes 3v6 and takes a million years to refill the team.
People still rage quit this COD a lot. I hate when it becomes 3v6 and takes a million years to refill the team.
Exactly. Well, that and they don’t want people rage quiting mid game because of how bad they’re playing, screwing over their teammates.
Definitely intentional, they made multiplayer more casual friendly by removing the death count so new players can’t be mocked over chat for their KDR. This is Activision double-dipping by selling the feature back to the hardcore players.
Totally agree with you on Sekiro - great game, but not GOTY material IMO. I personally thought CONTROL was a better game, and definitely more innovative. That being said, I think Death Stranding got robbed - it’s one of the first games I’ve played in a long time where I was actually taken aback by multiple events and…
Sekiro was the greatest From game since Dark Souls 1 (and probably Bloodborne but I don’t have a PS4) cementing than From isn’t that great at sequels in comparison.
And to be clear, I liked Sekiro and spent a ton of hours on it. I played (and enjoyed) most of the nominees in that category except for 1 and there isn’t one game on there that is a super obvious pick for me as GOTY, so I’m not mad one game won over another or whatever. Just genuinely surprised.
I’m a big From Software nerd and a hardcore Souls fan, but I thought Sekiro was one of the most forgettable major releases of the year. It seemed like the enthusiasm and hype for that game really died down after a month or so. Guess I was wrong.
That’s exactly why I wish they got a chance to make a follow-up. I genuinely believe a sequel to Remember Me would improve at least as much as Assassin’s Creed did from 1 to 2.
From needs to give us 3D Dot Game Heroes 2 already! Hell, I’d even meet them halfway and be satisfied with “3D Dot Game Souls” at this point.
I was disappointed when I didn’t see the Sleeping Dogs soundtrack mentioned in the article. The in game radio was absolutely top-notch. Daptone Radio was especially good.
Yeah, great call by Heather. The brand was pretty tainted by the bad followups, but Driver: SF figured it out and was a lot of fun.
I’ll co-sign. I hate everything about the story, but it’s fun to play. So, basically, MGS2.
Yep. I mentioned it in another post in here, but it reminded me of the first Assassin’s Creed, where the first mission where you go through all the mechanics is really cool and everything they promised....and then the rest of the game is literally that same mission 11 times more. AC2 actually fleshed out the rest of…
Shit, you’re right. Why did I think Minecraft came out in 2011? Time means nothing anymore.
Welp, I can’t edit my original post anymore, so everyone please disregard that statement of mine!
It pioneered the the voxel art style years before Minecraft came out
Okay, I know this game is technically last decade, because it came out in 2009, but 3D Dot Game Heroes does not get enough love and recognition. It pioneered the the voxel art style years before Minecraft came out, and it’s beautiful. It’s a massive love letter to classic Zelda games, but so much larger and more…
The problem is that basically every aspect of Other M is flawed in some serious way, so even if you can ignore certain problems with it, there’s very little good to zero in on.
Interesting take and I can easily see how.
Me, I like the GTA aspects of Sleeping Dogs, the most serious tone of the game and the less flaily combat - You can tell that much of the mechanics of fighting in Yakuza are straight lifted from Virtua Fighter. Where the fighting in Sleeping Dogs seemed more deliberate and…
Not with that narrative. Nope nuh uh no sir.