Mugzy Payton

This season's playing with time & space is really breaking the show.

Bride of Nine spiders gave me serious wood. Can I get a spinoff for her?

Yeah, I don't read the recaps just for a rehashing of what I already saw. I'm looking for some more depth.

"He holds morally objectionable beliefs—but so does any dogmatically in-line Catholic" - uhh ok

Security guy yells "Freeze all Motor Functions" and half of the staff stops moving

He also carries around a picture of his sister in his vest pocket for some reason.

These big reveals have no weight, at least for me.

There are way too many of these sorts of problems in the show.

Why would there be an option to turn their intelligence to some super-human level, especially somebody with low level access?

I think 10% of the reason I'm watching is to see if this turns into some sort of BSDM porn with Maeve and the technicians.

Wouldn't Dolores being seemingly way off script trigger alarms in the control room?

It's possible I'm dumb, or I'm not really focused on details when I'm watching the show (though the show should be compelling enough for me to want to watch in a detailed manner)

I just want to say:

So you're saying we saw him banging love bot Theresa and not real Theresa

Sad to comment and have nobody here to read it, but I found the story told by Sally to John to be awful.

So anybody else think that behind each of the 5, 6 prison gates there was going to be somebody there to kill Naz?

I can live with Chandra's kiss as a moment of stupidity, but smuggling in drugs is a bridge too far. Even deciding to put Naz on the stand is a bit much. That's defense lawyerin' 101.

Yeah closed captioning had her worry about not telling Robert, not Rhaegar

Perhaps budget constraints, but they should have at least showed some of their ships join the battle when the dragons were flying about. It seemed very odd the whole way it played out.