Mugzy Payton

I'm of two minds on the plotting of the episode. I do agree it seemed a bit ham-fisted, especially the Ramsay is super evil angle. However, in defense of the Sansa/Littlefinger angle, if Jon waits for the Knights of the Vale, it evens out the battled, and Ramsay does not fight in the field, he will force a siege,

I think Rickon is on the boat with Gendry.

Poor Hodor and Meera. Have to spend 2 years in an ice cave watching Bran warg. What have they been eating?

Kings Moot! God probably the worst part of the books. Here are a bunch of new characters arguing about being the rule of a piece of land you couldn't give 2 shits about. Just the word 'Moot' gives me a headache

JMP: "You're telling me there's porn now on the internet?!"

I guess you didn't take the time to actually read the article in question: "Liz Fritz, a 27-year-old contestant Twitter dubbed "the Jeopardy! Porn Star," told me. . ."

I wouldn't call it bragging, just stating a fact. I was curious what some of the women looked like. Most (straight) men when reading about the porn star of Jeopardy or whatever term they used would be curious to see.

Yeah, me and 95% of the male population.

She makes it sound like it's something specific to Jeopardy. Men (and some women) ogle people. You're going on TV, you shouldn't be surprised. In fact, I google image searched all of the women mentioned in the article. So thanks.

Think you miss out on - Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City

Thought. If there was some super dangerous group of ex-Phantom Zone folks and a Kyrptonian super villain roaming around, wouldn't 'her cousin' show up at some point? I mean it seems pretty serious and I don't think Metropolis has monopoly rights to 'her cousin'.

Do her powers stop her hair from getting messed up?

Is this why we have 'James' Olsen? The suddenly buff, confident photo journalist?

When I talk to my 3 year old today, I will keep referring to 'my wife' just to make his head explode

I assume there is some money issue as well, but that should have been negotiated or something, or stop turning the dialog in directions which forces you to say 'my cousin'.

1) If they say 'my/your cousin' one more time, I'm going to hang myself. Usually when you talk about somebody both members of the conversation know, you would use their name. ie Superman or Kal.

Also, Sally is the most disgusting character I've seen on TV, yet somehow was arousing in the elevator scene. Not sure how that works.

March looks like a Dave Foley character I'm positive I've seen on Kids in the Hall

The pilot was really funny, eps 2 pretty good, 3 & 4 quite meh. I don't know if there's enough there to sustain a show.

It's always good to see your sexual fantasies on screen.. well not the whole gasoline part… hhhmmmmm maybe… brb