The rear doors and that little window are a dumpster fire of a design.
The rear doors and that little window are a dumpster fire of a design.
Could we get a transcript on these video segments? Please?
At a glance, the lead photo looks hilariously like the world’s biggest cigarette butt.
I don’t visit this website to watch videos. Every time I see one of these I immediately leave Jalopnik for the Autopian.
The ads in these video segments make them mostly unwatchable. It’s the same GD ad to boot. Every 30 seconds!
Can we get a few pics of these old cars in the article, without having to go to the comments? I don’t do wordsmithing as a profession, but it seems like an obvious thing to include.
That slope in the rear likely lowers drag, like the classic Prius shape. At the expense of interior space. Compromises aside, it looks much better than previous attempts at a large low drag vehicle.
I saw a brand new (likely gray market) Jimny in OKC, OK earlier this year. Green, just like the photo.
I made the mistake of taking my C7 Corvette through one of those “conveyer belt” car washes. The belt mechanism has a metal plate at the end that allows the rollers to drop down and return to the beginning. Normally the plate lays flat but somehow it had flipped backwards and was standing straight up in the air. As I…
The first generation Dodge Dakota debuted in ‘87, not ‘97.
What data was used for this list? It seems like darts were thrown at a wall full of car names. The EV’s are total BS. Nobody can afford enough of those to make them “the most common”. Shitboxes are the most common. The Toyota and Dodge products seem plausible.
Anyone that believes this has never driven a C7.
These officers trashed tens of thousands of dollars worth of police cruisers to follow a $5000 bus. Surely with that many cruisers involved, they could have used their radios for a coordinated “heading him off at the pass” as he exits the other side of the open field. But what do I know.
I’m not convinced that all-electric is the technology of the future. Something better is on the horizon, and these all-electric vehicles will be a pariah to the environment when they reach their obsolete end-of-life.
There’s no Hofmeister kink.
How was the headroom? Was your head up against the headliner? I’m 6' even, and a Huracán that I drove on a track day was super cramped with a helmet. I had to move the seat forward and lean the back down to fit.
Totally agree. I came here to ask if Hyundai has seen this.
I’m not sure why these BMW owners are disabling that mirror feature. It’s was the exact opposite in the C7 Corvette: mirror tilt was disabled by default and you had to dig into the menus to enable it. It’s a golden feature for seeing the lines on parking spaces when backing into a spot.
This is all filthy PR bullshit. Audi’s designer trying to grab the public eye by relating to the latest headlines.