Thanks to this guy, I got diaphragm cancer from laughing too much.
@QualityJeverage: Hey, it's not Sheva's fault that her AI sucks. It's the developers fau- *turns to look at tv* WHY DID YOU USE THAT HEALING SPRAY SHEVA!? SHEEEVAAAAAAAAA!!!
@Salen: Don't look at it as a game delay. Look at it as time given for the game to (hopefully) become better.
It'll be well worth the wait.
@chang187: Not my fault. I typed "Escape from New York". Google spat that picture at me.
@Drogmir: That's only if you're taking the picture literally. It's the symbolism that matters.
Call me Snake.
@mindsale: If you have a Japanese PSN account (like me), you're good to go.
Aw... Here I was, expecting smoke and fire.
Omae no merron wa mou shindeiru.
To the healthy girl in number 14...
...I see what you did there, bashcraft. Why does the PSP have to be the bad, eh?
@fallenvash: Fucking AWESOME!
@Lockgar: You have to consider melee combat at some point. *shrugs*
@Hand_O_Death: It's missing, like, 12 other attachments, but it's still a badass gun.
You call THAT a gun!? No, no! THIS is a real gun!