Consider how many years it’s taken Square Enix to plan and prepare to fuck this up.
Consider how many years it’s taken Square Enix to plan and prepare to fuck this up.
Holy shit. The traders in Fallout 4 are no joke, apparently.
This is probably better quality than half of the stuff that shows up on Steam Greenlight.
(admittedly just for visual stuff for now)
There is a HUGE difference between visual emotes that have zero effect on gameplay and guns that directly impact your ability to play the game.
That’s some excellent reporting Jason.
maybe you don’t play hardcore mode... but the idea of rezing a character in it for any reason feels wrong.
I find that the best response to hostile people like that online when you are learning is to respond overly nicely. It gets these assholes far more than firing back or remaining silent (because they know they are getting to you). You rob them of their power over you.
::sigh:: (erases game save and attempts to start building house again...)
I am the only one that used to get big groups of friends together to play and watch games get played? It’d be 6 or 7 of us and we’d play through Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, the Silent Hill and Fatal Frame series, older games like Contra III: Alien Wars and the like. It was always a blast! I distinctly remember…
After years of watching and playing Mortal Kombat, it’s rare to see a fatality that makes me go ‘holy shit.’ Most of…
Hideo Kojima is a genius.
Yeah, you me and a lot of other people. Why else would they put the ballerhorn on Xur for the second time ever... I mean would it randomly appear on Xur now, weeks before the nerf and release of their expansion.
Same I haven’t touched that game in months.
I need to make a game or video called “Edge of Pixels”