
@snl25: I wouldn't say that they're lazy exactly - it more like putting too much on your plate. In an earlier Kotaku article, one of the level designers actually spent three days rendering a rock. Not a mountain - a rock. Personally, that is too much detail put into something that people will most likely take for

@snl25: I've read that article before, but I still find it inexcusable. Know this, I do not have a problem with games that have linear story, but, design-wise, players should be allowed to stretch their legs - literally. A good example would be Dragon Quest VIII: it has a linear and easy-to-follow story. However, it

Well, whatever the case, it had better not be the Final Fantasy version of "Kingdom Hearts: Walk in a Straight Line for Thirty Hours."

...did anyone else read ejections as ejaculations in the freezing water part of the review? Besides that, I don't plan on getting the game. Six hours is a baker's dozen hours too short for my taste.

@Kuwabara Kazuo: In the original Japanese release of FF6, the character was named Tina. Such a name is common the west, but it sounds more exotic in the far east. Ted Woosly, the translator for the US version of FF6 (know then as FF3) decided to preserve her exotic nature by giving her a name that westerners would

@Dolgo: I don't doubt that, but doomsaying really doesn't help their case.

The pessimism from Japanese game companies (except, of course, Nintendo) lately is starting to grate on my nerves a little bit.

...Mario should know. There's a new sheriff in town.

@jspamax: The way I see it, your friend is part of the problem that plagues the gaming community - acceptance by the media. He should learn to make allies of the casual gamers and not outright detest them and their market.

@Lee: Study for your exam.

I dusted off my PS2 and popped in MG3. To my surprise, it has been 2-1/3 years since I last played it, according to my memory card. That was about 3 days ago. I'm considering going back even further to play MGS2.

This rig rocks with the sickness!

It's a hot piece of eye candy, alright. You could say that it has the beauty crysis.

@ShaughnTr0n: That's Big Boss, alright. Also... REX is better than RAY

Psh... Just get me my Metal Gear Rex and I'm good.

All of these ninjas suck. Why?

Rest in peace, Mr. Frazetta. You were the inspiration to artist and fantasy art lovers, world-wide.

Rest in peace, Mr. Frazetta. You were the inspiration to artist and fantasy art lovers, world-wide.