
Horror - Now part of this complete breakfast.

...this is why we can't have nice things!

Oh, I hope not.

Metal is in the top 10, so I have nothing complain abou-WHY IS Chrono Trigger SO LOW ON THAT LIST!? It deserves AT LEAST a number 15! THIS IS MADNESS!!!

@Killer Toilet: I assume that your assumption of the assuming martial art does contain what one may most likely assume to be martial arts.

I was very ready to write-off this game. If the pros truly outweigh the cons to such an extent, then I feel I'm ready to at least give this game a try...


Oh, blazes - this is DISTURBING...

...shouldn't they be spending time on actual issues instead of endeavoring to "solve" these imaginary problems?

@G1bblets: I hate praying in three fings.

@phantomzxro: I am totally in agreement with you about the characters, summons, and limit breaks.

@chopblock: This isn't about molesting children! People who do that in the real world should be locked up, but what you're talking about are those that derive entertainment from digital representation of minors - aka virtual people in a virtual world. It's fantasy.

@chopblock: While I do not share the taste of those that indulge in that kind of entertainment, to ban those sort of things is still a form of censorship that I will wholly oppose.

@chewblaha: I have to agree with you (and this is coming from someone that REALLY wanted to play FFXIII). On the whole, I feel that XIII is a step back from the series. especially compared to XII.

While I prefer subtitles, I'm not particularly against dubbing. I'm flexible like that.