I personally think of this one
I personally think of this one
Sorry, not a regular visitor there. Didn’t even know anything happened there - I was not informed enough to pick up on that. I’m just now reading about it. Damn.
Throughout my career, I have worked very hard to put Team MSU first.
Klay stepped out on the second shot, no basket. Good Boy completely shut him down, give him credit (preferred in the form of belly rubs).
Needed that laugh today thank you.
So they fucked, right?
LeBron averaged a triple double for the series
So to be clear: we’re all gonna send crying Jordan meme’s to this guy’s campaign page now, right?
I came here for the “filed to: That’s so Javale”
And his total distances:
...and why does it always have to be the BLACK balls that are evil?
Seether was my anthem as mildly intelligent angry girl circa 1993.
13/16 “bitch” isn’t an element either
Only when Ivanka is around.
Lol. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he did. He has such a boner for the Clintons.
Foot hit the white line....
Had to get the dvd of Zach & Miri after laughing incredibly loud at that scene.
It certainly makes more sense than if he was fired by a different school