
Just leave them alone. No harm, no fowl.

This is where the evil corporate esports team trains while the rag tag team of good guy players train in a run down warehouse.

Fuck cancer.

And those also aren’t posable and look a lot cheaper

To those who aren’t regular board gamers: this is a first time designer / board game youtuber, running a $400k kickstarter, with a company (Jasco Games) who dropped the ball HARD on the Mega Man board game.

I love the concept but Caveat Emptor af.

That is one sexy ship design...almost makes me want to try EVE...oh wait, thats just a fleeting feeling of insanity...

Good article! I’ll admit I only clicked cuz of boobs, though.

I’m here to win medals and get laid, and it looks like they’re all out of medals.

We’re beyond cartoon villain. Lex Luthor had the goddamn decency and wherewithal to step down from LexCorp as to not create any conflict of interest.

Also, I kinda like the one on the rooftop. It’s like having your own penthouse! :)

President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.

Woman inherits the earth.

Woman inherits the earth.

My turn!! Sitting in a semi-regular bar I hung out in when I lived in Denver. Some drunk young white guy come in and sits right next to me (the bars not that crowded but whatever) and starts talking loud, imagining himself to be a bon vivant or something I guess and that everyone wants to hear his story. I’m not

The reason they have no responsible answer for how the Federal Government should handle health insurance in a Republican way is because the Republican Party doesn’t believe that the Federal Government should have a role in health insurance.

Sooo fucking pathetic they’ve bitched an moaned about Obamacare for god knows how long, screaming they’ll replace it with something better. You finally get your shot with a majority gov’t through all branches and what have you got to show, WHAT HAVE YOU FUCKING DONE IN THOSE YEARS LEADING UP TO THIS? You have nothing

I mean, we all knew it, right? But it’s nice of him to stumble into a spate of accidental honesty.

that you have a responsibility to carry out what you said in the campaign. That’s pretty much as much of a reason as the substance of the bill.