
I love this story. My brother and I weren't too poorly behaved as children (that I can remember anyway), but I remember my grandparents doing something similar with us when we were in elementary school. For weeks we were prepped to eat at a really fancy, grown-up restaurant, and not only was it a really good

You should teach a class. And every parent who brings their poo-flinging monkey children to nice restaurants should be required to take it. Sort of like the driver's ed courses you have to take if you get into an accident or get a DUI, to avoid having your insurance go up.

What really sucks about these is that I think so much frustration comes from a complete lack of social support for parents, since the workplace is still modeled on the assumption of a stay-at-home mom who does everything selflessly and without any help. Dads aren't "supposed" to leave early to pick up kids from

I tell my now dwindling numbers of childless friends not to have kids so I can still enjoy their friendship. I don't mind my pain in the ass kids, its all the other fucking parents I have to deal with. The worst are the newbie parents judging me, fuck you, I've been doing this for 15 years, I don't care what your

"....or who."

I thought the same exact thing! This is like the GoRF's little Tumblr descendant! There are even lots of pics of aspic.

Also on that playlist is Bon Jovi's "It's My Life". That one gets a lot of smiles, too. I consider it an act of human kindness.

How awful! I hope all the injured make a speedy recovery, and that all who witnessed this won't be traumatized. There had to be many children who saw this horrific event. Those poor kids will be having nightmares.

If traffic is kind of rough on a summer day, I'll cue up "Never Gonna Give You Up" at a stop light, roll down the windows and CRANK the volume. Everybody car dance!

When he rick roll'd the parade was one of the best moments that parade has had in YEARS!

I don't know about the meats (they are probably bad) but I get the veggie sandwich there a lot. The bread is meh, but I mean you can't mess up veggies. They are actually fresh and they will give you as much as you ask for. Plus they have spinach, which a lot of places don't. For $5 you basically get almost as many

Fun fact: Astley was my first legit pop star crush. I am not ashamed of that anymore like I was that time in 1988 when my friend saw a notebook filled with pictures of Astley I cut out of magazines I had in my locker and said "ewww you like this guy ugh he sucks" and I had to pretend like I found it on the bus. I LOVE

Those precocious deaths are terribly adorable in how they seem so grown up before their time - and so mature for their age! Unlike precipitous deaths , which happen so suddenly.

I have one! One night, while working as a hostess, I was doing my job and about to sit a party. A group of men in their 30s was leaving the restaurant. I say goodbye to them and thank them for their patronage while starting to lead the other party inside. At this moment, I fell a hand under my dress grab my butt

That third story gave me chills. I'm so upset that he got away after assaulting the poor manager. Fuck people who attack people like that.

I kinda feel like you are always full of shit.

A woman is dead and has grieving family and friends, so I don't want to snark, but goddamn do I want to snark.

Honestly, thank god the truck driver wasn't injured. That's all I have to say.

I kind of wish people would stop doing school shootings.