
Yes, Harold. This is literally facism.*

Then you don’t need to be on Twitter.

Unfortunately. That just makes it worse.

You know why.

Because they’re white dudes.

I’m sure all black celebrities on Twitter deal with this to some extent, but this volume of vitriol has to be because a black woman dared to be a Ghostbuster. I’ve seen a lot of misogynistic trolling about the movie (which was awesome, you sexist fools!) but there is no way that McKinnon, Wiig, and McCarthy are

Seriously I do not understand and probably will never understand this. Twitter and Facebook are not governmental venues, they are not subject to the first amendment, and they do not have to tolerate hate speech. But they choose to do so.

But look how quick they were to shut down Azaelia Banks’s rant where she used a slur? Hm...wonder what the difference is? I’ll give you a hint: If it’s against Black women specifically, it’s always fine.

Why are they doing this to her???????? Just because she is a black woman who is in Ghostbusters????? I don’t understand. Who are these people?????????? It scares me to think that I could know one of them and not know it.

I felt so bad for her yesterday. Leslie is life and she’s always so positive.

Fucking FB needs to hire more people to get rid of this stuff. I’ve reported actual THREATS of physical harm and horrible racist shit and they say “well it didn’t violate the terms”

I went through last night and tried to report as I could, and of course I sent Leslie some love via tweet. But my god. My fucking god.

i also really respect - as a fellow ex-mormon - that she doesn’t shy away from saying that the church fucked her up. i like that she calls out specific behaviors and dialogues and people who told her the wrong things. i’m impressed she does it with as much gentleness and dignity as she does.

I think the sic is the author of this article indicating that it was misspelled in the Deseret News article.

Utah is where old weird British accents, much reduced today thanks to radio and television, went. Older Utahns say “fark” for “fork”; this probably is because a very large portion of 19th-century Mormon converts were from North Yorkshire—pronounced by locals as “Narth Yarkshire.”

Seriously. It was probably just a Utah accent thing, they have some different pronunciations out there (the one that comes to mind is that they tend to say "moun-en" instead of "mountain").

I love that she is using her experience to comment and constructively criticize the rape culture we have all around us. She is SO bright and thoughtful, and I really am inspired by the way she took something so terrible in her life and is using it to help other people. I believe she can make a difference in the way

Yep. She is impressive and inspiring.

Keep fucking rocking, Elizabeth Smart! That’s all I’ve got. I have no snark or cynicism to give. Just keep being an amazing human being.